The following describes the billing and payment options at Silver Spring Pediatrics:
We participate with the following insurance plans:
(note: with the change in office ownership, our insurance plans may be in flux; please call to check if we participate with your insurance)

​Insurance Providers:
Aetna, Aetna Better Health
Blue Cross Blue Shield
Compass Rose
Conifer Health Solutions
Foreign Service Benefit Plan
Golden Rule
Healthscope Benefits
Innovative Health
Johns Hopkins Healthcare
North America Division Benefits
Optimum Choice
Oxford Health
United HealthCare/Commercial and Medicaid

This list can change; if you'd like to join us but don't see your insurance, please call 301-625-2800 to see if we participate.

Billing Policies
Co-payments are due at the time of service. Co-pays are required based on insurance contracts and cannot be waived as SSP would be in violation of our business contracts with those insurance companies
Similarly, if you have an insurance plan with a deductible, those costs will be assessed and billed to you as required of us by your insurance contract.
We accept cash, personal checks, and credit card payments, including FSA and HSA.
Surcharges will be assessed for returned checks.
When we bill using a credit card, please know that we use a safe, secure link through Instamed. We do not store your credit card information in our office.
Please bring your insurance card to every office visit.
Certain services are not covered by insurance and are charged the following fees:
(a) Missed sick appointments (if you do not call the office to notify us): $50
(b) Missed well visit (if not canceled the day before the schedule
appointment): $50
(c) Missed consultation (e.g. mental health or behavior; if not canceled the
day before the appointment): $50
(d) Returned check: $30
(e) Health forms: $25 annual fee per patient covers all forms required in that
year (maximum fee per family is $100). Alternatively, if you think you will
only have one form in a given year, you can pay $15 for that one form
only; however, if you then need more forms in the same year, you can pay
an additional $10 per form up to the $25 per patient annual fee.
(f) Transfer of records: no fee for first transfer to a new doctor or to parent
when moving out of area; $25 for records for home reference, social or
legal issues.
8. Effective 3/23/2020, we will begin telemedicine visits. They will be billed just like an office visit, including submission to insurance and co-pays (if required).