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Drive-up Flu Vaccine Clinics on September 22nd & October 26th

We are hosting our annual Drive-Up Flu Clinic on Sunday, September 22nd and Saturday, October 26th. Please call the office to reserve your child(ren)'s time slot and read the important information below to prepare for the visit -

  • Review the Vaccine Information Sheet (VIS) before the appointment.

  • Enter the parking lot from BOURNEFIELD WAY to keep the flow of traffic in one direction. Please do not enter from Broadbirch Drive.

  • Make sure your child(ren) are dressed appropriately for easy access to the injection site. Upper legs for those under 4 years old and upper arms for those over 4 years old.

  • Only children 6 months and older can receive flu vaccine

  • Everyone should remain buckled up.

  • If your child is unwell, please cancel the appointment.

Quick Facts:

  • This is by appointment only and only for the drive-up flu clinic.

  • CDC recommends everyone 6 months and older get vaccinated every flu season. Children 6 months through 8 years of age may need 2 doses during a single flu season if this is their FIRST flu vaccine series ever. Everyone else needs only 1 dose each flu season.

  • We will not have COVID-19 vaccines available during this clinic. THIS IS FOR FLU VACCINATION ONLY.

  • Yes, you can get the Flu vaccine and the COVID-19 vaccine within the same timeframe.

  • People with egg allergies can receive any licensed, recommended age-appropriate influenza vaccine. However, for those with a severe egg allergy, we recommend calling our office or your Allergist for a personalized plan. Please do not attend the Drive-Up Clinic.

  • If your child is within 10 days of a COVID diagnosis or a positive test, please reschedule.



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