Hey SSP Families!!
We have a lot of information to share in this post.
Put those littles to bed and read on. This is a very helpful post regarding 3 important ways to protect your children, our amazing patients. In addition, we provide links to common questions and concerns about these viral illnesses.
We will update this post regularly
Scroll down to the section of interest.
Here we go...
Flu Vaccine
We are offering flu vaccine in our office AND during our 2024 drive-up flu clinics.
We are currently scheduling for our October clinic. Yes, children can get Flu vaccine within hours or days of the COVID vaccine
No, we are not offering the COVID vaccine at our drive-up clinics at this time.
Although we don't recommend waiting until November, we are going to open up a November date as well for Flu drive-up for our families.
Please get your children vaccinated where/when you can - schools, pharmacies, urgent cares are all great options if it is more convenient for you.
Here are helpful links about Flu
Flu: What Parents Need to Know if your child is sick.
Your Flu VACCINE questions answered by the AAP
RSV Antibody (known as RSV vaccine) RSV Antibody is not considered a vaccine because it does not depend on an infant's immune system for a response to provide protection. Unlike true vaccines, the antibody is provided, leading to almost immediate protection.
Here are a few fast facts
At risk children are given 1 dose per RSV season - AFTER October 1st
It is only provided to two categories of infants and toddlers:
All infants under 8 months old
Children 8 - 19 months old WITH HIGH RISK CONDITIONS Click here to read our post from last year with additional details.
We have a better supply this year and want to provide it to all patients who qualify.
We will keep you updated on our RSV vaccine availability during your infants office visits and on our website and Facebook page.
If you got RSV vaccine while pregnant, we will guide you at your newborn visits.
For those who want a teaser - RSV vaccine in pregnancy
Here are helpful links about RSV
RSV: When It's More Than Just A Cold
COVID vaccine
SSP is prioritizing the vaccination of our youngest patients because we understand that there are not many options in our community.
We will carry the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine for ages 6 months to 4 years.
Children should complete the "primary series" with the current 2024-25 vaccine.
Previously vaccinated children should get the booster dose with the 2024-2025 vaccine.
The CDC recommends attempting to stay with one manufacturing brand, if possible.
If there are barriers, it is best to get the vaccine that is available.
Children who recently had COVID can delay COVID vaccine by up to 3 months.
Make an appt with us for your child aged 6 months–4 years. See below for where to vaccinate children 5 years and older.
Please bring their COVID vaccine records to each appointment, if possible.
Read this Vaccine Info Sheet
Please utilize the portal for questions of this nature instead of calling the office.
This keeps the phone lines available to families with sick children.
Pfizer COVID Vaccine Series
Recommend 3-8 weeks (typically 4 weeks) between dose 1 and dose 2
Recommend 8 weeks between dose 2 and dose 3
Where to find COVID vaccines for children
Xpress Pediatrics in Kensington/Wheaton
Padek Pharmacy (two locations)
Demmy's Pharmacy College Park
Morgan's Care Pharmacy (DC) has Moderna 6 months+
Grubbs Pharmacy in DC (coming soon)
Caplet Pharmacy (3 yrs +)
Here are helpful links about COVID
Silver Spring Pediatrics Post from our 2023 post
4. Other Guidance for Sick Children
RSV, Flu, & COVID: How are they different
Symptom Checker Tool: A great resource when you need it
5. Same-Day Sick Visit: May become limited at the height of illness.
Here is how you can help your SSP community (patients and staff):
Please arrive on time for your visit and be patient with us. We strive for quality care.
Cancel any appt that you can not keep ASAP. Trust us, someone wants it.
Get your child(ren) vaccinated.
Keep mildly ill children at home and support them if you feel comfortable.
We typically reserve testing for children who are moderately ill, it will change the treatment plan, or for children under 6 months old.
RSV testing, in particular, is reserved for our youngest patients.