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Flu Season is Approaching. Protect Your Family!

We are hosting our annual Drive-Up Flu Clinics on September 25th, October 9th and November 7th from 9am to 12 pm. Please call the office to reserve your child(ren)'s time slot and review the Vaccine Information Sheet (VIS)

Give your kids a fighting chance and put their bodies in flu virus boot camp - that is training to fight off the flu virus.

We should all do our best to decrease the risk of a "twindemic", increasing Flu and COVID-19 infections this fall/winter. We are happy to hear that many of our children are back in school and daycare. In order to keep this going, we must continue to be diligent - mask, stay home if you are unwell, and vaccinate, vaccinate, vaccinate!

Quick Facts:

  • No, it is not too early in the season, CDC recommends Flu before October 31st.

  • Yes, we will host a Sunday Drive-Up Flu Clinic, TBA.

  • Yes, you can get the Flu vaccine and the COVID-19 vaccine at the same time or near each other.

  • People with egg allergies can receive any licensed, recommended age-appropriate influenza vaccine. However, for those with severe egg allergy, we recommend calling our office or your Allergist for a personalized plan. Please do not attend the Drive-Up Clinic.

  • Yes, we are looking forward to seeing you all!

Helpful Hints:

  • Make sure you children's arms/legs are easily exposed before you pull up

  • Children should remain buckled up

  • If your child is unwell please reschedule

  • Everyone in the car over the age of 24 months must wear a mask



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