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Part 2 - Podcast To Answer Your COVID Vaccine for 6mo+ Questions


#1 Why most children should be vaccinated against COVID-19 infection

#2 Our take on the vaccine Process

#3 Which vaccine do we recommend, Moderna or Pfizer

#4 How are parents navigating the decision between Moderna and Pfizer

#5 Reasons you should vaccinate a child that had COVID-19 infection

#6 Guidance for a child that will turn 5 soon, which dose is appropriate

#7 How long should you wait to vaccinate a child that had COVID-19 infection

At this time, the recommendation is to delay vaccination until after recovery from the acute infection and the child is out of isolation. Some individuals have decided to delay getting their initial or next vaccine by 3 months from their recent infection. Please talk to us if you have specific concerns or questions.

#8 SSP's plan for providing the COVID-19 vaccine to children 6 months to 5 years

We were offered both Moderna and Pfizer vaccine allotments. We are now awaiting distribution and specific instructions.

In the interim, we are working through our own office logistics and will get back to you via our website as soon as possible. Our website will provide the most up-to-date information. Calling our office could delay care to someone in need.

Please be patient. We want to ensure safe delivery, storage, and administration of the vaccine. There are larger venues that have been able to prepare well in advance. Please feel free to have your child vaccinated at a location most convenient for you. In the interim, make sure you have portal access for future planning and non-urgent communications.

We understand that you may have additional questions specific to your child. Please call to schedule a consultation via telemedicine to discuss your child's specific needs if needed. We are encouraging telemedicine visits for children who are immunocompromised.

You can check out these articles directed toward parents



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