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Part 3: COVID-19 Vaccine for 5-11 year olds! read on...

CDC Recommends Pediatric COVID-19 Vaccine for Children 5 to 11 Years. Many of you have been holding your breath for this very moment for over 18 months. Well, so have we and we have been making plans to vaccinate our pediatric patients in the 5-11 year old age group.

BUT, DON'T CALL TO SCHEDULE. PLEASE READ PART 4! We have very limited stock and are not taking calls at this time.

Many months ago we requested the opportunity to administer the COVID-19 vaccine once available and we have gotten a very limited shipment. Please DO NOT CALL THE OFFICE - We are caring for our patients and are not able to accommodate calls to schedule vaccines until tomorrow, November 10th 4 to 6pm ONLY. You must read Part 4 before calling the office.

We will continue to update this website with more up to date information as we get it.

Click here to schedule in Montgomery County. Appointments run out fast but, more are added daily.

Click here to schedule in PG County or Click here - offering walk-in and scheduled vaccine clinics.

In addition, schools, local pharmacies/grocers, and urgent cares are offering the vaccine. These links provide broader search options Maryland State

We firmly believe that the COVID vaccine is a good choice for most children and advise you to get it where you can and feel comfortable.

Please check out Part 4: LIMITED COVID Vaccines at SSP



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